Tres is working for Morgan Pavement in sales as an Estimator, and although we were nervous about the change, what with working for the family business and all, we have been very pleased. He gets to spend a lot more time with our family and we love the people he works with. On top of all that, he enjoys the work he does as well. Outside of work, he's keeping busy with the family and his church calling as the elders quorum president. So, between work, home, and church he seems to be keeping busy.
Elizabeth is keeping very busy as well, as she has three (four, including Tres) crazy boys to take care of. No tells you what you're in for at the beginning. Between keeping the house clean, breaking up fights, teaching boys how to share, trying to interpret which of Morgan's screams mean what, etc. etc. etc., it's wonder she stays sane!! She also has her church calling that keeps her busy as she works with the young women as the personal progress leader in our ward. I guess there is no rest for the weary. (I know that it's supposed to say "wicked" but she's a saint for all she does.)
Garrett is 7 years old but turning 8 in March and is in second grade. His teachers name in Mrs. Smith and yes, she is related. He is really enjoying second grade and getting to be a really good reader. He loves to read, play his PS2, and bug his little brother. He also likes to go camping with Dad and the boys.
Charlie is 4 years old and turning 5 in August. He is in Mrs. Young's preschool class and he loves it. He is the most hilarious little kid once he opens up to you. Every day brings something new. He has the most random and hilarious sense of humor. He keeps us in stitches.
Morgan is a year and a half and will be 2 in May. His brothers have already taught him how to push his mom and dad's buttons and turn on the charm when most needed. His little personality is starting to sprout. Excuse me, did I say "little?" I'm sorry there is nothing little about Morgan. He's huge!
One more "person" to write about and that is Liza, the family dog. She's the most recent addition to family. She's a pure bred Shih-Tzu and the most friendliest and fluffy dog you'll ever meet. The family has fallen head over heals for her.
Well thats about all for now. Stay tuned for more updates as they happen.